Site Phone: 888-847-8027 * Cellular: (269) 313-AHDE Site Address: 92723 Michigan Highway-152, Sister Lakes, MI 49047-8824 US GPS 42.04'56.71"N 86.10'.58.02W Map & Directions
AHD can now do full CE international testing with NVLAP accreditation.
Gordon Helm NCE, P.E. | ![[Gordon Helm]](pictures/gh612s.jpg)
| Narte
AHD has been awarded Industry Canada and FCC site approval. This allows testing at both 3 and 10 meters for FCC part 15 & 18. The customer’s product can be FCC certified with data provided by AHD.
We've recently been cited by National for our work in Immunity and EMC.
Services:![[FCC]](pictures/fcc.gif) - FCC Part 15 and 18 Section 2.948
- Computer-Aided Analysis
- Declaration of Conformity
- CE Mark
- EN55022/CISPR22(Emissions)
- EN55011/CISPR 11
- CSA Std. C108.8
- Line Conducted Measurements ANSI C63.4-1992
- Shielding Effectiveness
- Site Attenuation
- All testing has NIST traceability
- Test Reports are available upon request
- Lab:
- 3 meter and 10 meter
- Open Area Test Site.
- Indoor conducted emission shield room.
- 115V, 60Hz, 30amps;
- 230V-60Hz-30amps
- 50-150V or 100-300V,
- 45Hz-500Hz, 1.5K Watts
- EMCO 26MHz-2GHz antenna
- Wavetek Signal source 1.1GHz
- HP8546A EMI Receiver 6 GHz
- Solar LISN
- The combined experience is over 50 years of EMC design and testing.
